Trenchless Services
With over 65 years of trenchless history, Huxted Trenchless capitalizes the strengths of our trenchless team to create a single trusted horizontal directional drilling and microtunneling construction partner.
Huxted Trenchless Services

Huxted specializes in the trenchless installation of pipe including jack and bores, guided auger bores, pilot tube microtunnels, and microtunnels.

Huxted Trenchless, formerly operated as ECI Drilling International, specializes in horizontal directional drilling for product pipe installation and offshore wind farm cable installation.
Our Trenchless Services at Work:
Microtunneling in Soft Soils, Louisiana
A 72-inch diameter, 700-foot long microtunnel installation was successfully completed in early 2022, providing private, pressurized, utility conveyance under a combination Union Pacific Railroad and Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail yard. A total of 14 active railroad tracks, a rail yard, and a Louisiana Department of Transportation Highway were crossed with the tunnel installation. Ground conditions at the site consisted of 65 feet of very soft to soft clays, unerlain by a pressurized sand aquifer. Microtunnel construction was successfullly completed despite challenging subsurface conditions including soft, plastic clays difficult to process and steer the microtunnel machine through and driven wooden piles encountered periodically during tunneling.
Location: Avondale, Louisiana
Date: Early 2022
Owner: Fuji Oil Line
Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project – Raw Water Infrastructure Intake
Huxted Trenchless installed 300 LF of 54 inch welded steel pipe via microtunnel for a new water intake structure. The project was performed in mixed ground of partially weathered rock and clay and included an underwater retrieval of the MTBM within Lake Tillery.
Location: Norwood, NC
Date: 2022
Owner: Union County, NC
Stiles Vortex Outfall
For this microtunneling project, Huxted installed 250 ft of 84 inch RCP with an underwater machine recovery in the Mississippi river for a new waste water outfall. Ground conditions included sand and silt. The machine was launched from a 24 ft diameter shaft 60 feet deep.
Location: Memphis, TN
Date: Early Spring 2017
Owner: City of Memphis
Location: Memphis, TN
Date: Early Spring 2017
Owner: City of Memphis
This microtunneling project involved a 580 foot Installation of 101.5 inch OD Reinforced Concrete Pipe in a 700 foot radius curve at a depth of over 50 feet by Microtunneling. Soil consisted of sandy silt with gravel. A VMT Guidance and Jack Control System were used to provide guidance and control of the curved alignment. Surveyed results were within ½ inch of design grade and line. Due to the location of this microtunneling project, security constraints required the tunnel to be constructed inside two separate buildings. One building housed the separation plant and the other housed the launching shaft and pipe storage.
Location: Washington, DC
Date: Winter of 2014/2015
Owner: U.S. D.O.D.
Huxted Trenchless was contracted to complete the Catawba River Steele Creek Force Main project.
The project consisted of a 1,305 foot trenchless crossing via horizontal directional drill under the Catawba River for the installation of 30” DR11 HDPE pipe that will serve as a sewer force main. The project helped to connect the growing populations of York County and the town of Fort Mill with the Rock Hill Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The crew overcame numerous challenges including difficult ground conditions consisting of cobbles, boulders, and solid rock with strengths of up to 30,000 PSI to complete the project in just 37 days.
Location: Rock Hill, South Carolina
Date: 2022
Owner: York County, SC

Piedmont Natural Gas Line 427
Project Description:
a. Drilling footage: Five (5) Crossings totaling up to 9,328 ft.
b. Formation: Sands, Silts, Clays and Weathered Rock
c. Product Pipe: 16-inch Steel pipe.
Location: Rocky Mountain, North Carolina
Owner: Piedmont Natural Gas

EPIC Pipeline Spread # 4 Carrizo Springs
Project Description:
a. Drilling footage: 2 Drills —2800 ft
b. Formation: Shale/ Sandstone
c. Product Pipe: 24-inch X-70, .500 wall Steel Pipe
Location: Carrizo Springs TX. Dimmit County to Maverick County TX
Owner: EPIC
Final Completion Date: 4-15-2019

HEEC 115KV XLPE Submarine Cable Project
Project Description:
a. Drilling footage: Two (2) Crossings 4300ft (One on Conley Terminal and one on Deer Island)
b. Formation: Jettable Materials & 15,000 PSI Rock Shore Approach
c. Product Pipe: 24” HDPE
Location: Boston, MA
Owner: Eversource Energy Service
Final Completion Date: 3-2-2019

Line D Van Zandt to Opelika TX
Project Description:
a. Drilling footage: Four (4) Crossings 8,514 ft
b. Formation: Jettable silts,sands and clays
c. Product Pipe: 20 inch steel
Location: Van Zandt to Opelika TX
Owner: Atmos Energy
Final Completion Date: 06-2018
Safety is Our #1 Priority
We are committed to achieving an accident free workplace during evry phase of our microtunneling construction. Proactive involvement, personal responsibility, personal accountability, and continuous individual improvement are expected of all employees, subcontractors, vendors and clients. Safety is of utmost importance in the planning of all microtunneling services, and every one of our employees embrace his/her role in successfully implementing our Safety Program.